Wes hāl and bēo ġesund! Wyrd is mīn nama, lā Wyrd sēo Unmǣre. Iċ þā ġewrīte þās lēaf, siþþan 2021, for tō healdenne sum mīnes English ġeweorces and ġewrites, swā þæt iċ mīd ōðerum þās dǣlan mæġ.
Hēr on þissum lēafum iċ wille habban ġemearcunga, āwendunga of Nīwenglisc, and eac nīw ġeweorc, þæt þe iċ wrīte on mīnum āġenum wordum. Eall þæt iċ hēr wrīte, sceal æfre on Englisc bēon. Nille iċ tō wrītenne Nīwenglisc ; mē þynċþ woruld hæfþ ġenōg þæs. And ġehwilċ nīw wrītere, mē þynċþ, wolde þȳ māra tō āwendenne of Englisc Nīwenglisc tō, þonne tō wrītenne on Englisc. And þæt is sāriġ þing ; for hwȳ sceolde wīf Englisc leornian, ġif þæt on hire āwrītan ne wolde? Oþþe eac, ne spreċe, oþþe ne pleġie? Swā iċ sceal wrītan Englisc swā iċ wille.
On þissum lēafum iċ bruce sum ġemearc, þ.i., iċ ġetitlie stæf on mīnum wīse, þus: for þǣm langum selfswegendum, iċ ġetitlie mid līne (ā, ǣ, ē, asw.), and for þǣm þynnum g and c iċ ġetitlie mid mote (þ.i., ġ and ċ). Ne bruce iċ ƿ (wynn) oþþe ȝ (yogh), swā ne mē līċaþ hīe, and iċ rǣde Englisc þȳ ēaðra þā þæt se wrītere hīe ne brycþ. Eac, iċ bruce þ (þorn) and ð (eðe) ǣnliċ for þǣm rihtum hlēoðore (t.b., þæs, nā ðæs; æðeling, nā æþeling). For ōðere be rihtwrītunge, iċ bruce fram hēr.